Kaspar Consulting

Executive Coaching
C-Level Sparring

"Musicians play instruments.
Conductors play orchestra!"

David D. Kaspar

"Helping executives and companies move forward -
That's not just my job, it's my big one.

Transition Coaching -
The first 100 days

"From the hamster wheel of performance -
Into the political minefield?"

Conscious Leadership -
being able to navigate!

"You can't command the wind.
But you can set sail!"

Executive Coaching
Role, Performance

"The only way that we can never fail
not to take any chances!" B. Piccard

Communication training
Sovereign appearance

"You can not not communicate!"
Paul Watzlawick

Conflict management
for executives

Like you - so I me!

Negotiation Training
Harvard Negotiation

"You don't get what you deserve,
but only what you negotiate!"

Topmanagement Retreat
Leadership Team Workshop

"Problems can never be solved with the same way of thinking,
through which they were created" A. Einstein

Leadership Seminars
Leadership Training

Inhouse training, in-house seminars -
inspiring and tailor-made

Stress Management
Develop Resilience

"Managers ultimately have only one person
to lead: Yourself!" P. Drucker

Our task,
Our values

"Clarity. Focus. Mindfulness.
These values shape our work"

Agile Leadership -
Training 4.0

"Experience. Reflect. Study."

Middle management to
Top management

"We find a way or we build one!"
Hannibal (246-183 B.C.)

Business Coaching
Focus & Performance

"You have to be in love with success,
not failure!" E. Bloch

Press, Tools,

"The journalist is one who has always known everything before" K. Kraus

Working concept

"Make things as simple as possible.
But not easier!" A. Einstein

Digital Leadership

"Don't use computers too much
into a human being. They hate that!"

Executive Coaching Zurich

OBC Zurich City, Bahnhofstrasse 52, Zurich

The centrally located meeting room is approx. 7' walk from Zurich main station.

Kaspar Consulting Zurich
Executive Coaching, Executive Training, Business Coaching Zurich

Executive Coaching Basel

Educational Centre, Missionsstr. 21, Basel

The meeting room can be reached by bus no. 30, stop "Spalentor" (3rd stop) in 10' from Basel main station.

Kaspar Consulting Basel
Executive Coaching, Executive Training, Business Coaching in Basel

Executive Coaching Berne

Zytfänschter, Kramgasse 73, Berne

The meeting room is approx. 8' from Bern main station

Kaspar Consulting Bern
Executive Coaching, Executive Training, Business Coaching in Bern


"Satisfied customers are the best feedback!"

Customer Feedback

"More than 1000 hours of coaching & training per year
with over 100 top managers and entrepreneurs!"

David Kaspar & Team
Executive Coaches

"Personality makes the difference!"

Kaspars Blog

"...From my world as Entrepreneur & Executive Coach"

The mountain calls
We take you to your peaks!

Executive Coaching & Leadership Training
in Zurich, Berne and Basel

"We look forward to
exchange with you!"

"Kaspar consulting In Zurich, Bern and Basel"

David D. Kaspars Blog

«Personal, Useful, Skuriles and Everyday from my world as an Executive Coach and leadership Trainer» 

Business coaching - Our focus on success factors

Our business coaching for executives follows a simple principle. We operate with established factors for successful leadership.

This raises an important and guiding question: What are the characteristics of successful leaders and what key competencies enable success?


Successful leaders - What sets them apart?

Interviews with successful leaders were undertaken across a wide range of markets; including polling of circa 20 000 with the help of Gallup Interviews with successful leaders were evaluated. It has been found: The ideal top-executive with exactly defined characteristics does not exist!

The following are key factors to be identified and have proven beneficial in numerous instances of our business coaching.

1. Personality and competence

Leaders convince, when they are reaching their business as well as knowing their trade and as an integer personality and with a clear understanding of their role, their values, their strength and their boundaries, do what they know is right in their heart.

2. Focus on strengths and solutions

Successful leaders develop their strength and pursue future-oriented solutions. They work, with determination, on their own weaknesses in terms of lacking skills, if these weaknesses prevent the breakthrough of their own strength.

3. Networks and development

Successful leaders have a real, sustainable professional and personal network. They challenge and encourage their employees and surround themselves with people who complement their own talents.

4. Being curious and flexible

Successful leaders develop and cultivate the ability, to always be open to things and to give unbiased attention and to question the given facts.

A stable but curious-critical attitude is the crucial prerequisite where business and personal opportunities are realised and promising new avenues can be explored.

5. Courage to make decisions

Successful leaders never limit themselves to theoretical reflections- they proactively take action. Although situations are not always obvious: They have the courage to take decisions. Because they want to make a difference!

6. Learning from failure. Celebrate successes

Successful leaders celebrate successes together with their fellow teammates. Even if projects should fail once: Successful leaders don’t let themselves be discouraged by this, because they see failure as a great learning opportunity to be even better!

7. Head, Heart and Hand

Successful leaders lead with head, heart and hand, because they combine integrative thinking and personal conviction with entrepreneurial initiative.

Kaspar Consulting - Your partner for effective business coaching.


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Negotiation Training for leaders

Why specific negotiation training for executives? The reason is relatively simple. Whether consciously or unconsciously - executives negotiate daily!

They negotiate with employees and superiors and they negotiate with business partners. In practice, these negotiations often fail at the very first meeting.

Leadership coaching – so you convince as a leader!

Die Veränderung, die die Digitalisierung mit sich bringt, ist in allen Lebensbereichen spürbar. Die Auswirkungen dieser «Digitalen Transformation» wirken sich auch auf die Unternehmen aus. Damit hat sich auch die Vorstellung verändert, was einen guten Leader auszeichnet.

Nicht mehr nur Hierarchie, Status und Macht entscheiden. Es sind vielmehr Fähigkeiten, wie andere inspirieren zu können und die Weitsicht, Business Opportunitäten früh zu erkennen und mit persönlicher Überzeugunskraft agil umzusetzen, die den Unterschied machen.

Leaders are powerful when they know how to apply their leadership tools and clearly understand the design and purpose of their own leadership role.

Leaders only become inspirational leaders when they take action with power, purpose and passion and do the things that they believe are right “in their heart”. That’s when leadership comes in to being!

Conflict management for managers

Where people work together, conflicts arise. They arise because different personalities with different perspectives come together.

Some conflicts are the necessary "salt in the soup" and resolve themselves when the "cleansing thunderstorm" or the necessary clarification process is over. Other conflicts escalate, expand and thus cause great damage.

Business Coaching, Training, and executives seminars

"Websites with interesting Offers. Well worth a visit!"

Stress management for executives

Your work is piling up? 70- hour week: not a rarity? Not relaxed even in your leisure time? Our stress management program provides a remedy and leads to first successes within a short space of time!

It is based on concepts developed by Professor Kaluza, the leading expert on stress management, and has been specifically adjusted to the needs of executives by Kaspar Consulting.

Das Rennen gegen sich selbst gewinnen?

Management Coaching "Transition - The first 100 days

You have convinced us with your outstanding performance! That's why they were considered capable of taking on higher tasks: The new job promises to be very interesting. Soon you will notice that many things have changed compared to the old workplace. How do you shape your new role? What is expected? How can you be successful?

Dealing with these challenges in a goal-oriented manner, successfully mastering the first 100 days and quickly arriving in the new leadership role: This is the objective of intensive transition coaching for the path to upper management.

Executive Coaching & Sparring for top management

Not only top athletes show outstanding performance. Executives experience "competitive atmosphere" daily. Athletes spend 90% of their time training.

Top managers on the other hand experience almost exclusively “action on a completive level”. Recently Executive Coaching has been invented for the "top athletes of business". A trendy hype?

Our Team

David D. Kaspar, MLaw I MM

Andreas Ludwig

Philip A. Hofstetter, MLaw
Master of Law, Executive Coach & Trainer

With my bilingual business partner Philip A. Hofstetter I collaborate on all English coaching & training
assignments from middle to top management.

Philip lives and works in London and Switzerland. He runs a consultancy with a strong international focus and global reach. For the management training simulation LEAD Reality Training he’s our managing partner in charge of the English-speaking market.

Dr. rer. nat. Sibylle Kaspar

Alexander Benedix, Dipl. Soz.
MA, leadership trainer

With my business partner Alexander Benedix I collaborate on larger assignments that require a different
perspective. We have been working together successfully for the last 7 years!

In addition to managing his consultancy "fit. For. Leadership", Alexander is an active trainer and facilitator for different Kaspar Consulting seminars. Together we are the founders and directors of the management training simulation LEAD Reality Training and LEAD Profile.

Anja Stubenrauch, Dipl. Kauffrau (HSG)

Dr. Andre Lehnhoff, Betriebsökonom
Economist, diagnosticians

Together with Dr. Andre Lehnhoff, David D. Kaspar and Alexander Benedix have developed a state of the art third generation assessment -and development centre.

Andre's expertise in scientifically proven assessment and development centres combined with the expertise of Kaspar & Benedix in developing management training simulations, led to the product "LEAD profiles - Diagnostic in action"

Lorenz Wenger

Facilitation and design of management retreats and leadership team meetings

It makes sense that you as the leadership team get together from time to time and reflect on the really important things in “your company” from a distance.

It has proven to be beneficial that this process is accompanied and moderated by an independent external facilitator. A professional, who captures common topics, summarizes statements and sometimes intervenes with insightful questions.

Aus der Hektik des Alltags in die Konzentration.


Executive Coaching & Leadership Training in Business Context

For executives who want to achieve their challenging goals quickly and confidently, executive coaching or business coaching is the most effective solution!

As Executive Coach & Leadership Trainer we are your personal reflection and sparring partner. Clarity, focus, mindfulness: these are the hallmarks of our work ethos.

Stress management for executivesStress managen

Your work is piling up? 70- hour week: not a rarity? Not relaxed even in your leisure time? Our stress management program provides a remedy and leads to first successes within a short space of time!

It is based on concepts developed by Professor Kaluza, the leading expert on stress management, and has been specifically adjusted to the needs of executives by Kaspar Consulting.

Das Rennen gegen sich selbst gewinnen?

Stress management for executivesStress managen

Your work is piling up? 70- hour week: not a rarity? Not relaxed even in your leisure time? Our stress management program provides a remedy and leads to first successes within a short space of time!

It is based on concepts developed by Professor Kaluza, the leading expert on stress management, and has been specifically adjusted to the needs of executives by Kaspar Consulting.

Das Rennen gegen sich selbst gewinnen?

Communication training for executives "rhetoric & appearance"

Everyday life is characterized by communication
You are conducting conversations with employees. You present work results to a larger or smaller audience or you "sell" yourself and your products to a potential customer.

Not only the content is decisive!
Practice has impressively shown that it is not only the content of your communication that is important. Your rhetorical skills and your personal appearance competence are decisive for success.

How to reach the next level
A feedback in performance situations would often be helpful, but unfortunately is usually missing. A core task of our communication training is therefore to give this feedback. Only in this way can one's own blind spots be recognised, strengths strengthened and weaknesses reduced.

Negotiation Training for executives according to the Harvard Concept

In order to be able to negotiate successfully even in the case of major conflicts of interest, basic knowledge of negotiating is helpful.

The Harvard Concept
We work in our individual executive training according to the well-proven Harvard Negotiation concept. With this instrument it is always possible to create a win-win situation even in seemingly hopeless situations.

Negotiation training - your personal style
Knowing instruments is an important prerequisite. But tools alone are of little use if they cannot be used in the right style: The challenge is to match the tools precisely to your personality and the mental preparation for negotiations!

I. Communication training for managers "Your sovereign appearance".

Non-verbal signals are crucial!
In all interpersonal communication not only verbal signals are important. Non-verbal communication also determines personal success.

The benefits of video analysis
In our communication training for executives we record your appearance on video. Based on the analysis, strengths can be strengthened and weaknesses can be identified and purposefully reduced.

...so that you as a person arrive at the audience!

What is the benefit of our conflict management coaching?

In our conflict management coaching we train you in your specific conflict situations. There is the constellation that you yourself are actively involved in the conflict, or that as team leader you have to lead a team that is in a conflict situation.

Your personal conflict management strategy
After analysing the conflict structure and the behaviour patterns of those involved, we work with you to develop a conflict management strategy that is targeted for the future.

Focus - Executive Coaching, Transition Coaching, Leadership Coaching

We specialise in tailor-made coaching and training for executives from middle management to top management (C-level). We distinguish three target groups with their focus topics.

Testimonials, clients votes & comments

«Living Professionalism: 700 hours of 1:1 executive coaching with more than 50 (top) managers and entrepreneurs a year speak for themselves!» 
Ich hatte schon diverse Führungsausbildungen hinter mir und wollte für den nächsten Karriereschritt (Option Top-Management, C-Level) einen Coach, der mit mir an meinen ganz persönlichen "Themen" arbeitet.

Bei David Kaspar fühlte ich mich sofort wohl und frei und es gelang sehr schnell, einen konstruktiven strategischen Plan zu entwickeln. Dabei half es enorm, dass Herr Kaspar den Mut fand, auch heikle Dinge wie Macht, persönliche Werte und Grenzen anzusprechen.

Ich habe den Schritt in die obere Führungsebene tatsächlich mit Erfolg gemacht! Retrospektiv wird mir klar, dass ich intuitiv den richtigen Coach gewählt habe. Alle 6 Monate treffe ich mich mit Herrn Kaspar zu einem Business Coaching Meeting und wir gehen meine "Agenda" durch. Das gibt mir ein Grundsicherheit, auch in turbulenten Zeiten eine Sparringspartner an meiner Seite zu haben.

— Frau X., auf dem Sprung ins Topmanagement, Nahrungsmittelkonzern
Wir sind als Unternehmen aktuell in einem grossen Change Prozess. Die Industrie 4.0 beschäftigt uns und unseren Markt mehr als das wir noch vor 2 Jahren erwartet haben. Ehrlich gesagt, es hat uns teilweise kalt erwischt!

David Kaspar unterstützt mich in diesem Prozess als Sparringspartner. Mit ihm reflektiere ich Strategie, Geschäftsmodell und Geschäftsprozesse. Insbesondere disktuieren wir auch unsere Kultur und die Art und Weise wie wir in der Geschäftsleitung miteinander umgehen. Dabei konfrontiert mich David Kaspar immer wieder mit Perspektiven, die ich so von mir aus nicht eingeommen hätte.

Sowohl das Einzelsparring bezüglich Digital Leadership als auch die Moderation von Strategie Workshops mit unserem Board bringen mich persönlich und das ganze Unternehmen entscheiden weiter!

— Herr P., CEO, KMU (250 MA)
Kompetent, kompakt und professionell – so habe ich unsere Zusammenarbeit erlebt.

Speziell profitiert habe ich beim Verhandlungstraining durch das Durchspielen realistischer Verhandlungssituationen. In diesen Rollenspielen lernte ich meine Art zu verhandeln zum ersten Mal richtig kennen.

Mit den neuen Tools „Harvard Negotiation “ und „Verhandlungs-Judo“ habe ich nun praxistaugliche Instrumente, mit welchen ich schon sehr kurzfristig in entsprechenden Situationen Erfolge verbuchen konnte“!

— Frau A., Leiterin Foundraising, medizinisch-karitative Organisation
Während zweier Halbtage haben Herr Kaspar und ich gemeinsam die schwierige Situation (und mein Beitrag dazu...) in unserer Abteilung analysiert. Dabei haben wir insbesondere auch meine Gesprächsführungskompetenz trainiert (Auftritt Videotraining). 

Dank der guten Voranalysen inklusive der Erarbeitung eines Umsetzungsplanes und dem gezielten Training haben ich meine Kompetenzen so verbessern können, dass sich die Situation merklich verbessert hat. Das Führungskräfte Coaching hat sich gelohnt!

— Frau T., Abteilungsleiterin, Industriekonzern
Ein Spezialdank für die gute "Moderation", die hartnäckigen Nachfragen und das Coaching auf dem Weg hin zu mehr Klarheit. Es kam bzw. kommt zur richtigen Zeit!

— Frau U., Leiterin, Kulturorganisation
Mir wurde das Executive Sparring bezahlt. Ich durfte mir „meinen Coach“ aussuchen. Anfänglich dachte ich, die Preise sind ganz schön happig. Jetzt muss ich sagen: Die Dienstleistung war jeden Euro wert und ich werde gegebenenfalls auch als Privatperson ein Coachingpaket bei David Kaspar buchen!

— Frau Dr. S., Abteilungsleiterin Lehre & Forschung, Deutsche Universität
Herr Kaspar ist in meiner Berufskarriere schon mein dritter Executive Coach. Am Anfang war ich über die Arbeitsweise in größeren Zeitblöcken erstaunt und dachte, dass es vielleicht sinnvoller wäre, in kleineren Sequenzen zu arbeiten. Von anderen Kolleginnen hörte ich ja auch, dass sie ihren Coach alle zwei Wochen während jeweils ca. 60 Minuten sehen.

Dann aber habe ich festgestellt, dass gerade die Arbeit an einem halben Tag  die Dinge auf den Punkt bringt. Es ist erstaunlich, aber bereits am ersten Starttag habe ich mehr über mich und mein Führungsverhalten erfahren als während den früheren Coaching-Meetings insgesamt!

In der Transferphase nahm ich das Angebot des Telefon-Coachings ein paar Mal an. Es tat gut, kurzfristig und spontan – wenn’s gerade mal brannte – Kontakt mit meinem Coach und Trainer zu haben, um die Dinge zu besprechen… …Am Abschluss-Halbtag wurden die Fortschritte nochmals reflektiert und Schwachstellen spezifisch trainiert. Wertvoll waren auch die Follow-up Checklisten für die Zukunft, die mir immer wieder die Möglichkeit geben, mich selber zu coachen. So war das Coaching und Training nicht nur wertvoller Input von außen und professionelle Anleitung zur Selbstreflexion, sondern auch „Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe“ für zukünftige Aufgaben!

— Frau Z., Leiterin Aquise, Privatbank
Das Coaching und Training bei David Kaspar war sehr intensiv und anstrengend – Wir haben aber auch viel gelacht.

Dank dem Transition Management Coaching nehme meine neue Führungsfunktion heute bewusster wahr und habe mein Know-how bezüglich praktischer Führungsarbeit wie effektive Meetingmoderation, Mitarbeiter-Empowerment, strategische Kommunikation mit dem Headquarter usw. entscheidend verbessern können.

— Herr H., Head of Marketing, Pharmafirma
Ich arbeite mit Herrn Kaspar seit längerem zusammen. Wir treffen uns 2-3x pro Jahr und checken die wichtigsten Ereignisse und Entscheide durch. Es ist immer eine grosse Bereicherung, sich aus dem Daily Business auszuklicken, um sich aus Distanz den "grossen Fragen" zu stellen.

Manchmal wird es aber auch sehr pragmatisch. Beispielsweise habe ich letztes Jahr mit  Herrn Kaspar bei einem spezifischen Kommunikationstraining meinen Weihnachtsauftritt eingeübt - Mit grossem Erfolg! Ich fühlte mich dann vor den geladenen Gästen tatsächlich entspannter und kam, gemäss Rückmeldungen, sehr gut an.

— Herr K., CEO, Firma mit weltweit über 5000 Mitarbeitern
Wir erlebten in unserer Firma einen Change Prozess, bei welchem zwei unterschiedliche Firmenkulturen zusammengeführt wurden. Ich war ziemlich gefordert und an persönliche physische und psychische Grenzen gestossen. 

Das Stressmanagement - Coaching hat mich voll überzeugt. Wir haben ein individuelles Programm erarbeitet, welches mir geholfen hat (und immer noch hilft), dringend benötigte  Freiräume zurückzuerobern. Auch habe ich (wieder) gelernt, mich nach akuten Drucksituationen besser zu regenerieren!

— Herr K., Head of Corporate IT, Versicherung
Ich hätte nicht erwartet, dass meine neuralgischen Punkte so schnell aufgedeckt werden. Die analytisch-provokativ-wertschätzende Art von David D. Kaspar hat mir enorm geholfen, blinde Flecken zu erkennen und gewisse Verhaltensweisen zu ändern.

— Herr M., Geschäftsführer CH, internationale Firma (Mikrotechnologie)
Am ersten Coachingmeeting arbeiteten wir am Thema „Work-Life-Balance und Leadership Development“. Dabei stand das Hinterfragen meiner aktuellen Berufsaufgabe im Abgleich mit meinen Kernwerten im Zentrum der Reflexion. Immer wieder gelang es Herrn Kaspar, mich wertschätzend zu provozieren, so dass ich meine gewohnte Sichtweise kurzfristig verlassen musste und gezwungen war, die Dinge einmal anders zu betrachten.

Das zweite Meeting verbrachten wir mit der Definition einer Lebensvision für das letzte Drittel meiner beruflichen Tätigkeit als Manager.

Im Nachhinein bedeutet es für mich einen großen Mehrwert, mich so intensiv mit meiner beruflichen Zukunft beschäftigt zu haben. Dabei wurde ich mit – nicht immer bequemen, z.T. sehr persönlichen – Lebensfragen konfrontiert.

Das Executive Coaching hat mich gestärkt und Klarheit gegeben, wie ich meine berufliche Zukunft aktiv gestalten werden

— Herr P., Mitglied Board of Directors, mittelgrosse Immobilienfirma
Zuerst dachte ich: Was kann mir ein Coach schon zeigen?!

Da mir Herr Kaspar von einem guten Bekannten mit ähnlicher Problemstellung (Jobwechsel und damit einhergehend: "Umstellung" Deutsches Medizinalpersonal vs. Schweizer Medizinalpersonal) empfohlen wurde, liess ich mich trotzdem auf die Zusammenarbeit ein.

...ich bin begeistert! Das Executive Coaching hat mir "die Augen geöffnet". Dabei hat Herr Kaspar keine 08/15 Lösungen propagiert, sondern durch geschicktes Fragen und Zusammenfassen meiner Darlegungen, die Dinge so auf den Punkt gebracht, dass ich meinen eigenen, individuellen Lösungsweg zu der angesprochenen Problematik fand.

Das "toxische Klima" auf meiner Abteilung hat sich seither merklich verbessert!

— Prof. Dr. T., Chefarzt, Privatklinik

Our Mission, Our Role

Everyone human has specific talents that make him unique. It is important to identify these skills for development via focussed training. We see ourselves as a personally- inspiring and independent "alpine guide".

Sometimes we will play the role of a confrontational and provoking "court jester” with a “mirror”, which helps to observe thinking and behaviour patterns from a different angle.

Classic coaching and training for executives

We specialize in coaching and training of executives. Our service is aimed at executives of middle and upper management.

We traditionally focus on leadership and related topics. This is where we are most competent, because we know our target group, their specific concerns and their "microcosm".

Executive Coaching im Business Kontext

This makes our approach sustainably successful!

We work consistently; forward-, resource- and result-oriented and see our customers as collaborators at eye level.

Our coaching approach is based on the understanding that then the best results are achieved when all relevant relationship- and work processes are structurally integrated.

Auf Ihre Bedürfnisse massgeschneidert!

Clients from industry, services, media, banks, etc

We coach and train executives from middle- and top management of large corporations and medium-sized companies in sectors as diverse as industrial, pharmaceutical, IT, insurance, banking, culture and media.

Also, independent entrepreneurs and specialists with management duties such as doctors and lawyers are among our clients.


How do managers deal with the crisis? Empathy in the boardroom? The coaching market is changing - What does the future look like? German managers in Switzerland - a problem?

We give information about our work with executives and are happy to let you see the cards we are playing.

What is important in your new management role

In addition to more status and more salary, your new position will also give you more influence. If you do your job well, you can be effective at crucial points and help shape the future of the company. How can you achieve this?

nail one's colours to the mast
A prerequisite for success is a focus on one's own talents. In addition, the shaping of your new leadership role also requires an examination of your own limits and weaknesses and your personal "no-goes".

Penetrating the new business
It is also very important that you penetrate your new core business within the shortest possible time, establish a good relationship with the most important key persons and convince your new team of your objectives and mission and get them "on board".

Executive Coaching – So you can celebrate successes!

It is well known: people with excellent technical skills that have proven themselves in business; sooner or later get more managerial responsibilities.

The process quickly identifies that effective leadership requires additional qualifications.

Executive Coaching - An ancient tradition!

You can't see what you can't see!
In earlier times, the leaders, the princes and kings, were also aware of this fact. The role of the court jester is an impressive testimony to these "sparring partnerships" for the purpose of reducing one's own "blind spots".

This cooperation, classic in its core function, is still proving extremely fruitful in everyday business life today. The reason for this is the independence of the sparring partner.
Independent sparring partner
Unlike the manager's usual interlocutors, an executive coach is outside the system and is neither networked nor career-dependent of his client. Only with this independence is it possible to be a feedback provider and reflection partner at eye level!

Why Executive Coaching? Listen to the former Google CEO: Eric Schmidt

Our offer

To deliver top performance is our goal! That's why we are specialized. And therefore 2/3 of our work concerns the individual coaching and training of executives.

With the "remaining third," we deliver the experience-learning program "LEAD" and conduct leadership training with our partners. Two "Solo Projects" complete our offer.

Massgeschneidert passt am Besten!

Stress managen

Stress managen

Leadership coaching - On the road to sovereign presence

Your Vision
What do you stand for? What distinguishes you? What makes you unique? What values, motives and goals are driving you? Where should the "journey" lead?

It is not philosophical to address these fundamental questions “l' art pour l'art”, but leads to a coherent answer to the question of how you want to use your talents.

Your strategy - What goals do you want to achieve “in your company” and how?
Once the questions concerning your "brand" and the personal and professional vision are answered, we transfer these insights in to clearly defined goals. It is crucial for success to bring your own goals and development steps in alignment with the corporate goals and role expectations on the part of the company.

Your plan - What skills are available, which ones do you still need to train?
When you examine your own vision, personal goals and diverse expectation – you allow yourself to create a “development foundation”. A solid foundation on which missing skills can be trained and measures takento implement a concrete plan of action.

II. communication training for executives "conversations & rhetoric

Communication competence is decisive!
On the one hand, managers conduct appraisal interviews. On the other hand, they communicate and "market" ideas and results to the "outside" (press, audience) and "above" (VR, HQ, etc.).

Benefits: "Competence in conversation, rhetorical clarity
Our rhetoric training serves to strengthen your communication skills. We train you, for example, in employee interviews and discussions during which you have to submit your ideas to top management or the Board of Directors or we prepare you mentally for your speeches and lectures.

... so that your message gets across!

Conflict moderation, business mediation

Where does business mediation make sense?
Business mediation makes sense where business partners are interested in a constructive and efficient joint conflict solution due to economic interests.

What are the benefits of business mediation?
A conflict moderator / business mediator helps to analyse the conflict and its causes. The process of business mediation makes it possible to identify the effective interests behind the positions put forward and to integrate them into a viable agreement.

Business mediation pays off!
As practice impressively proves, business mediation is efficient, cost-effective and successful.

Business mediation.

Focus - management training "key skills", including e-learning

We combine individual coaching with specific skills training. Our program covers the central topics: Appearance, communication, conflict management, resilience and negotiation.

Each individual training can be carried out in smaller groups or as a 1 or 2-day seminar. Each seminar & training is tailored to your needs.

Every "analogue" seminar and training and every workshop can be combined with "digital self-learning" (e-learning & transfer, microlearning) in the simplest way!

Interdisciplinary competencies

"Only with a broad horizon one can really be focused!"

Law (MLaw) and Commercial Mediation (MM)
After studying law (degree: Master of Law) at the University of Bern, CH David D. Kaspar graduated from a postgraduate social scientific and psychological Masters Degree in Business Mediation (degree: MM) at the University of Hagen, DE.

Training as a coach and trainer
He then trained to become a systemic solution-oriented business coach (Swiss Coaching Association, BSO recognized) and trainer (Creative Communication Consult, DE).

Training in rhetoric and communication, mental training (NLP), stress management training, Harvard Negotiation, soft skills development, didactics (SVEB) and Personal Leadership (LMI) complete his target group-specific competencies.

Business studies, psychology, philosophy
Parallel to his various training as a coach and trainer, David D. Kaspar spent seven semesters with "coaching-oriented, interdisciplinary studies" at various universities in business administration, psychology, and philosophy.

A proven stress-management program

Based on the results of the stress-checks and biofeedback’s, an individual program is developed for each client, which helps on three stress-levels

1. Strategic self- and stress management
Effective management of your time will provide a more confident approach to responding to potential stressful scenarios and possibilities are made possible!

2. Mental training
On this level we analyse personal stress enhancers and based on the findings we develop a program on how to deal with individual factors, which may restrict you in different ways. You gain flexibility (mental training)

3. Regeneration techniques
In addition we practice techniques for regeneration (for example progressive muscle relaxation, PMR), which help reduce stress in a simple and timely manner. You relax and enjoy!

Our Values

In unserer Arbeit folgen wir dem Ethik Code der International Coach Federation.
Ethik Code

An important part of our work is to reduce complexity and break things down to their essence and bringthem to a point: As simple as possible - but not simpler!

We are interested in what works! The goal is always to achieve the maximum of what’s possible for our client in the given time. With our effective and transparent operation we are playing a pioneering role in the coaching and training scene. Our methods and tools are based on sound science findings. We have a keen awareness of our strengths and are able to work in favour of the client’s needs being a first priority.

This non-judgmental at the very core empathic attitude towards all living beings runs though our daily lives and our work.

In our work we follow the code of ethics of the International Coach Federation.

I. Executive coaching for middle management

The successful formula of our executive coaching is the mixture of key skills training, personal development and the development of highly practical leadership tools. Topics are:

- Clarity of yourself: Successful design of your leadership role
- Personal appearance and presentation: Convincing when it matters
- Self-Marketing: To ensure that your successes are actually perceived
- Leading Teams: Dealing with difficult situations (conflicts, change situations, etc.)
- Leading individuals: conducting employee appraisals, ability to position yourself well
- Assertiveness: Ability to prevail - even with difficult employees
- Strategic stress management: careful handling of your own resources

Read more about our portfolio leadership coaching

Cornerstones of cooperation with Kaspar Consulting

With our concept we meet the need of our target audience for maximum flexibility and efficiency.

1. Achieve the maximum in minimal time
We work in larger time blocks (3 - 4 ½ hours). Experience has illustrated that maximum results are achieved this way. From our experience the entire coaching process extends over a period of about 6 months and lasts, depending on the complexity of the subject, 4-6 meetings.

2. Accompanied support via Skype/ phone
Due to current demands, the client has the possibility to contact his coach. In this way urgent matters can be discussed promptly.

3. You don’t have to travel long distances
Coaching can take place in every major city in Europe. The meetings are either conducted in-house (rarely) or outside the normal working environment (normally the case).

For external coaching Kaspar Consulting provides a meeting room on site (eg. Regus). In this way we meet our client’s needs within the shortest possible travel times.

From our experience many of our clients arrange to have 1-2 follow-up half days after having gone through the introductory coaching process. These check-in- sessions are used to consolidate the established findings, to discuss upcoming important leadership issues and to reflect on their own progress.

Why Transition Coaching?

The Benefits of our Transition Coaching Program
The time span from entry into the new function to effective performance is significantly shortened and the chances that you and your team can successfully manage your work on the effective "bottlenecks" are measurably increased.

Experience and special training
Many years of practical experience, special training at the Palatina Group (German Trainer Award) and permanent cooperation with our business partners have led to the fact that we can offer you a highly effective programme.

Our 7-step program
1. analysis of the company culture and key players
2. analysis of personal strengths and weaknesses in comparison with job design
3. developing your own leadership vision: What do I stand for?
4. strategic "business plan" for the first 100 days
5. implementation of concrete operational steps
6th focus: Develop your own team and expand your company's internal network
7th Evaluation - Reflection - Modification

A real win-win-win program: You as a manager, your directly subordinated (management) team and thus "your company" as a whole benefit from this!

Read more about a Transition Coaching Process: Case Study

Personal growth in a nutshell - Executive Coaching & Sparring

Pooling of strengths
It has been proven to be of decisive importance to be able to "get to the heart of the matter" with one's own profile, formative values, ideas and personal management vision. In this way you can bundle your strengths, have a convincing effect and offer orientation.
Sovereignty wins!
This communicable clarity is the basis for what are commonly regarded as leadership competencies: Persuasiveness, credibility and sovereignty. Our executive sparring is designed to further develop and strengthen this clarity.

More about the demands on managers today: Conscious Leaership

Seminar in negotiation, conflict management, stress management

Due to the constant demand and our particular expertise in the interface of executive coaching and specific skills training in negotiation and conflict management, we offer two targeted in-house seminars:

- More on our 2-day negotiation seminar for executives negotiation seminar
- More on our 2-day conflict management seminar for executives  conflict management seminar
- More on our 2-day seminar stress management for executives  stress management seminar 
- More on our 2-day seminar presentation & presence for executives  seminar presentation

Each seminar is based on a proven framework and can be tailored to your specific wishes!

What is the added value of the external moderator?

In order that you as an Executive Board can focus your full attention on the content, the moderator structures the developed ideas, makes sure that the previously agreed agenda is respected and clarifies ambiguities and
inconsistencies with critical questions.

In addition, the external moderator reflects his observations and perceptions into the discourse. Through this external perspective you as a leadership team gain valuable additional information.

Stress-management Checks and TestsStress managen

Using various life & business checks we create a first stress profile. If necessary, this evaluation will, inter alia, be complemented by the measurement of heart rate variability (HRV biofeedback).

This gives us a representational picture of your current stress level, which in turn reflects the current work-life-balance and burnout risk.

Stress-management Checks and TestsStress managen

Using various life & business checks we create a first stress profile. If necessary, this evaluation will, inter alia, be complemented by the measurement of heart rate variability (HRV biofeedback).

This gives us a representational picture of your current stress level, which in turn reflects the current work-life-balance and burnout risk.


Negotiation Training the Harvard Negotiation Concept way

Individual Negotiation Training "Harvard Concept"
We make you fit for the daily routine of negotiations. After our negotiation training you will know the basics of effective negotiation according to the Harvard concept. For your everyday life this means that you can prepare yourself in a structured way, convince during negotiations and achieve results with lasting effect!

Tailor-made negotiation seminar for corporate clients
On versatile request, we also offer our know-how in the form of a company-internal negotiation seminar. We would be happy to develop a two-day curriculum for your further education (larger groups, i.e. usually 8-12 participants).

III Communication Training "German Managers in Switzerland

Intercultural Training" Special
German managers in Switzerland - A broad field! As a Swiss citizen married to a German, I know the differences and similarities of both cultures. Intercultural (!) Training - What it brings you.

Specific training for German managers helps them to "train" themselves in the new cultural key situations in order to avoid unnecessary pitfalls.

German managers in Switzerland

Individual training or in-house seminar?

Focus on conflict management for managers
- Cause, effect and course of conflicts
- Communication techniques in conflict situations
- Analysis and work on personal conflict behaviour

Personal benefits
- Use of effective conflict resolution instruments
- constructuver dealing with difficult situations
- Strategies for conflicting parties, team conflicts etc.

Individual Training - "Coaching Conflict Management" (PDF)
In-house seminar - "Seminar Conflict Management" (PDF)

Several years of experience as an executive and entrepreneur

Die Digitale Transformation eröffnet unglaubliche Chancen. Sie birgt aber auch Risiken. Meines Erachtens sollte baldmöglichst ein Diskurs darüber geführt werden, wie weit wir als Gesellschaft wollen, dass die Digitalisierung unsere kulturelle DNA fundamental verändert!

"Even led to have is important!"

David D. Kaspar comes from a family of entrepreneurs (industry) and was very early on an understanding of the complex economic and strategic issues in comparison with social-social responsibility develop. These key values shape his Thinking and Acting.

Former managing Director

His former activity in the Wirtschaftsadvokatur and long-term management of a consulting program David D. Kaspar taught, strategically-in order to run.

Current entrepreneurial activities
In addition to his work as an Executive Coach and Führungskräftetrainer organized and organized he is now certified modular leadership training Leadership SVF and developed along with his business partner, the successful Experience Learning Format LEAD Reality Training.

Stress-management Checks and Tests

Using various life & business checks we create a first stress profile. If necessary, this evaluation will, inter alia, be complemented by the measurement of heart rate variability (HRV biofeedback).

This gives us a representational picture of your current stress level, which in turn reflects the current work-life-balance and burnout risk.

II. Transition coaching to make a career leap into top management

Transition coaching - A highly practical and proven 7-step-program

Our proven 7-step program

1. Analysis of corporate culture and the key players
2. Personal strength-weakness analysis in alignment with the job design
3. Development of your own leadership vision: What do I stand for?
4. Strategic "Business Plan" for the first 100 days
5. Implementation of specific operational steps
6. Focus: Developing your own team and expansion of the company's internal network
7. Evaluation - reflection - modification

Read more on the topic of Transition Coaching

Our concept: Reduce complexity through clarity and structure


Goals and common work topics
To define the outcome of a successful coaching process in more detail our “checklist leadership skills” has become a very valuable resource)

Personality, goals and leadership
It is crucial that the coachee perceives his goals and values adequately and that it defines his leadership role in such a way that he can successfully live up to his expectations in line with his specific strengths and awareness of areas for enhancements.

Matching the role definition with the corporate culture
In addition, it is crucial that the personal leadership-role expectation is in line with the role expectation of the company.

During the whole coaching process, the corporate culture, in which the leader is acting, is seen as a systemic environment and therefore integrated in to the coaching development.

Ability to act
By working at these different levels, a supportive fundament is created, on which tailor-made working tools and new behaviours can successfully be established.

Because the motto is clear: ”A change for the good does not just Happen. You have to make it happen”

Our portfolio: Extract from possible management retreat questions / scenarios

Leadership and cooperation
- How are we as the Executive Board from the Outside to be perceived?
- what is the situation regarding the topic of "Leadership"? How does our cooperation?

strategy and future
- What are the strategic objectives we need to pursue so that we can be successful?
- What are the operational steps we need to do next?

values and culture
- employee satisfaction survey: How to cut in the future, we do better?
- How does our leadership culture? Our values are lived?

do you need support to make the Performance of the Board, the management or any other important body, which they lead, quickly and sustainably increase. I support you in the planning and facilitation of appropriate occasions and meetings.
do you need support to make the Performance of the Board, the management or any other important body, which they lead, quickly and sustainably increase. I support you in the planning and facilitation of appropriate occasions and meetings.

II) Agile Organisation: Purpose, Values & OKR, Digital Leadership

For a company, we have the Change-of-program "Purpose, Values & OKR". For Management, Boards and leadership teams, we facilitate Workshops on Leadership, strategy and culture.

For the times of Digital Transformation and the Changes we developed for the top Management to the Workshop on "Digital Leadership" and for the lower and Middle Management, Training of "Agile leadership".

A proven stress-management programStress managen

Based on the results of the stress-checks and biofeedback’s, an individual program is developed for each client, which helps on three stress-levels

1. Strategic self- and stress management
Effective management of your time will provide a more confident approach to responding to potential stressful scenarios and possibilities are made possible!

2. Mental training
On this level we analyse personal stress enhancers and based on the findings we develop a program on how to deal with individual factors, which may restrict you in different ways. You gain flexibility (mental training)

3. Regeneration techniques
In addition we practice techniques for regeneration (for example progressive muscle relaxation, PMR), which help reduce stress in a simple and timely manner. You relax and enjoy!

Executive Coaching & Sparring - Topics, Cooperation

Exercise-coaching can cover the following topics...
- Leadership: vision, development of personal leadership skills
- Sovereignty: positioning, charisma and personal appearance
- Sparring on complex management and decision-making issues

- Power and Strategy: Social Influence and Relationship Management
- Personal branding: self-marketing, internal positioning
- Reputation management, profile, profiling

- Support during cultural change processes: Edit individual topics
- Sparring "Digital Transformation": Reflection and "Testing" of Ideas
- Leadership Team Leadership: Developing Identity - Setting Points of Interest

Leadership Seminar SVF (leadership training)SVF

Our 7-day training is aimed at managers who want to enjoy a professional training with modern teaching methods, but are not willing to go back to school for years. Compact, personal and professional: That's our mantra.

We only achieve this top quality with small groups of maximum 10 people. This is how we achieve our target of highly effective learning in a personal and open atmosphere.

Read more about the Leadership Seminar SVF

Your personal transition coach & sparring partner

David Kaspar is one of the few specialists whose main activity is coaching and sparring executives (CEO, CFO, CXO) and executives who are making the leap into top management.

This focus has enabled David Kaspar to acquire unique know-how and insider knowledge. More than 15 years of experience, 5000h 1to1 coaching with over 250 executives: You benefit from this!

Portrait David Kaspar

Executive coaching and training in Zurich, Bern and Basel

Our business coaching concept meets the needs of our target group for flexibility. That's why we coach & train you in Zurich, Bern and Basel - and in every major Swiss city!

Kaspar Consulting - Trust the specialists!

Lecturer, association activities, memberships

"I'm fascinated by seeing things differently again and again, and to discover and what works"

Lecturer, examiner, mentor (SVF, ETH, HSG)
David D. Kaspar is an examiner at the Swiss Association for Leadership Training (vocational examination SVF), lecturer at ETH Zurich and mentor at the University of St. Gallen (HSG)

Memberships (ICF, BSO, SCCM)
David D. Kaspar has for many years headed up a regional group of the International Coach Federation (ICF), the world's largest association of professional coaches and is still active as their ambassador.

He is also an accredited member of the Swiss Professional Association for Supervision and Organizational Development (BSO) and the Swiss Chamber of Commercial Mediation, Section Zurich (SCCM).

III. Executive Coaching and sparring for decision makers in top management

Selection of commonly addressed topics in Executive Coaching

- Rise to the top management: "User's Guide" to the rules, rituals, customs
- Leadership: Vision, further development of personal leadership strength
- Sovereign presence: positioning, charisma, personal appearance
- Decision sparring: Reflection partnership when confronted with complex decision
- Dealing with power, social influence, managing relationships
- Personal Branding: Self-marketing, profile and profiling.

Read more about our portfolio executive coaching


Kaspar Consulting - Your partner for target group-focused executives Coaching

Portfolio stress management - Individual coaching for executivesStress managen

Our portfolio includes in particular:

- Individual coaching in acute pressure- and stressful situations
- Development of an individual stress management - program
- More on our 2-day seminar stress management for executives  stress management seminar 

Kaspar Consulting Your business partner for executives stress management.

A proven stress-management programStress managen

Based on the results of the stress-checks and biofeedback’s, an individual program is developed for each client, which helps on three stress-levels

1. Strategic self- and stress management
Effective management of your time will provide a more confident approach to responding to potential stressful scenarios and possibilities are made possible!

2. Mental training
On this level we analyse personal stress enhancers and based on the findings we develop a program on how to deal with individual factors, which may restrict you in different ways. You gain flexibility (mental training)

3. Regeneration techniques
In addition we practice techniques for regeneration (for example progressive muscle relaxation, PMR), which help reduce stress in a simple and timely manner. You relax and enjoy!

Individual training, in-house seminar

Main topics "Sovereign appearance"
  • Video analysis: body language, voice, non-verbal
  • Design of the (self-)confident appearance
  • Dealing with pressure and stress, stage fright under control
Main topics "Conversations & Rhetoric"
  • Rhetorically convincing and inspiring in a short time
  • Development of a core message, pitching competence
  • Rhetoric, quick-wittedness: mastering difficult situations
Individual "Appearance & Communication" training
In-house seminar "Appearance & Communication

LEAD Reality Training - Leadership in Action (management training simulation)LEAD-Reality

LEAD Reality Training means to experience the typical day-to-day “craziness” of an executive first hand. This doesn’t happen in a classroom atmosphere, which feels far from reality but actually in a realistically designed company called “all4sports Ltd.”.

... And without straining the two current buzzwords "neurodidactic» and «neuroleadership" unnecessarily, we integrate the latest neuroscientific findings in our training concepts!

Read more about LEAD Reality Training

Transition Coaching in Zurich, Berne and Basel

The coaching concept of Kaspar Consulting meets the needs of our target group for high flexibility. That's why we coach you in Zurich, Berne and Basel. Or at the place of your choice!

Get in touch with us: We would be happy to discuss with you the possibilities of a successful cooperation and develop a tailor-made programme together with you.

Kaspar Consulting - Your personal partner for transition coaching

Your personal executive coach and sparring partner

Focus & Specialization
David Kaspar is one of the few specialists whose main activity is coaching and sparring entrepreneurs, top managers (CEO, CFO, CXO) and management boards.

This focus has enabled David Kaspar to acquire unique know-how and insider knowledge. More than 15 years of experience, 5000h 1to1 coaching with over 250 executives: You benefit from this!

Portrait David Kaspar

Executive Coaching & Sparring in Zürich, Bern und Basel

The coaching concept of Kaspar Consulting meets the needs of our target group for high flexibility. That's why we coach you in Zurich, Berne and Basel. Or at the place of your choice!

Get in touch with us: We would be happy to discuss with you the possibilities of a successful cooperation and develop a tailor-made programme together with you.

Kaspar Consulting - Your Personal Partner for Executive Coaching & C-Level Sparring

Focus Negotiation Training - "Leadership Coaching, Seminar"

Our negotiation training portfolio includes:
  • Individual coaching, negotiation training
  • Improvement of your own negotiation skills
  • Coaching and sparring - difficult negotiation situations
  • Inhouse Negotiation Seminar - Harvard Negotiation Negotiation Seminar


Each individual Harvard principle negotiation training can be an integral part of executive coaching, management transaction coaching, executive coaching

Kaspar Consulting - Partner for executive negotiation training in Zurich, Bern, Basel.

Communication training for executives in Zurich, Berne and Basel

Kaspar Consulting's training concept meets the needs of our target group for high flexibility. That's why we train you in Zurich, Berne and Basel. Or at the place of your choice!

Get in touch with us: We would be happy to discuss with you the possibilities of a successful cooperation and develop a tailor-made programme together with you.

Kaspar Consulting - Your partner for communication training and performance competence

Conflict Management - "Coaching for Executives, Seminar"

Our Portfolio Conflict Management Leaders
- Individual coaching in difficult conflict situations (analysis, training, implementation)
- Conflict moderation (business mediation)
- Inhouse Conflict Management Seminar: Conflict Management Seminar

Each individual conflict management training can be an integral part of
Executive Coaching, Management Transition Coaching, Leadership Coaching

Kaspar Consulting - Leaders conflict management in Zurich, Berne and Basel

Portfolio stress management - Individual coaching for executivesStress managen

Our portfolio includes in particular:

- Individual coaching in acute pressure- and stressful situations
- Development of an individual stress management - program
- More on our 2-day seminar stress management for executives  stress management seminar 

Kaspar Consulting Your business partner for executives stress management.

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